Karen Brown of Ladue (above) pulls right on out, like there's absolutely no chance of anyone else being on the entire road. Completely oblivious. Poking along after cutting everyone off. Lah-dee-dah. Lah-dee-fucking-dah. Thaaaat's right, just take your sweet, fucking time, lady. Christ...pullin' around this idiot...let's just see.....betcha anything...... yep....... YEP!!..There she is! Surprise, surprise. Gabbing away. In her own little world like nothing hap....WHAT THE..!! DON'T GIVE ME THAT DISMISSIVE FUCKING GLANCE YOU SNOOTY LITTLE BITCH! GODDAMMIT I'LL FOLLOW YOUR ASS HOME!...Right! Sure I'm the crazy one I guess. Uh huh, Got it...NO! YOU'RE THE CRAZY ONE LADY! YOU ARE!!! YOU! YEAH, YOU! Page 5A.