"I Thought He Was A Tool..And Told Him So"
By David St. David
Mary Gugini of Shrewsbury had a dream of rock and roll stardom but soon discovered that her dream had become a real nightmare. Gugini, 23, a 4th year student in the general studies associate degree program at Meramec Community College in Kirkwood, was recently voted off the VH-1 reality series "Brett Michael's Rock of Love" due to what she termed "political bullshit."
"I wouldn't sleep with him," she says. "I couldn't, I mean look at him. He's as old as my Father!" She remembers, "And those awful plugs, why do you think he wears that ridiculous bandana?." "I told him I thought it made him look like a tool and lo and behold, I was off the show," she fumes. "That little bitch Christie, the one with the tatoos sold me out. She was supposed to tell Brett that I should stay on the show but instead ended up sleeping with him and his drum roadie....whore!"
Asked for a reaction to Gugini's claims, a representative of VH-1 commented to the Examiner, "I can't comment on any claims made however I can say that Mr. Michael's hair is all his own."
For her sake, Gugini wants to put the experience behind her. "I'll probably end up back at Meramec next semester, " she says with a wistful grin. "I only need eight credit hours to get my associate degree and I bet with all of this publicity that Kohls would hire me back in a second."